Finally Friday #1!
Hey everyone! Welcome to the first ever "Finally Friday" blog post! Every Friday this year I'll be posting a weekly round-up of articles, pictures, and videos that I think are interesting, helpful, and funny for any college girl! Let me know if you enjoy this type of post in the comments below!
4 Apps for Staying Calm
By: Because I'm Addicted
1. "Because I'm Addicted's" post is all about apps that help you reduce your stress levels. I think these are all great apps to use when you have to adjust to being back at school after a long break. I'm definitely going to check these apps out myself, and they're FREE!
2. "How to Read a Book" by Paul N. Edwards: this PDF is a 10-page guide perfect for college students who have reading-intensive classes. It is a guideline developed by the University of Michigan and it teaches students how to read with purpose and get the most out of their reading. I thought their technique was interesting and I am open to trying it in the future. Click the image below to check out the PDF!
3. Do you know who Dua Lipa is? If you don't, add her to your girls-to-watch list. She's a badass rising-artist who has a killer style and powerful voice. After reading this interview Refinery 29 did with her, you'll want to be her BFF.
4. ummmm, so is it normal to be jealous of a cat's life? No? Well, you might be feeling a little wanderlust after checking out this cat's life. Suki the Cat (@sukiicat) on Instagram is an insta-famous feline who is exploring the world around them. Their owner takes stunning photos of this cat on hikes, kayaking, and exploring in the forest. Check out their feed below and give Suki a follow!
5. Last, but certainly not least, I wanted to shout-out! I'm sure you've already heard of them, but in case you haven't, HerCampus is the #1 new-media brand for the empowered college woman. They have countless articles about college, style, love, greek life, and many more subjects. And guess what... I'm officially apart of the HerCampus Influencer Collective Network! What this means is that I'll have the resources to provide more awesome content for you all and potentially have some of my work on Her Campus's website! I'm super excited to be apart of this Influencer group and it's helping me get one step closer to my goals... thank you Her Campus!!
Thank you for reading my very first "Finally Friday" blog post! Please let me know if you liked it down below and what you're up to this Friday night! Also, please leave your email in the subscription box down below to get monthly updates from A College Girl :)