Finally Friday #3
Happy Friday! I hope you all had an excellent week and have something fun planned for this weekend! I've had an amazing week myself and I may be going to an International Cat Show on Saturday, so things are only getting better from here! For this Friday's roundup, I wanted to do something a little different and share a roundup of what I've been up to this month. I've loved this app called HUJI, which makes all of your images look like they've been taken from a disposable camera! I'm going to share some of those pics with you and a few videos as well. Let me know in the comments if you like this type of roundup post and let's get started!
January 1st
It's only fitting to start this post off with what I was up to NYE & leading into January 1st. This video clip will kind of sum it up...
My family was in London! We rang in the New Year by celebrating in front of the London Eye as we watched the firework show. It was an amazing experience and a New Year's that I'll never forget.
January 5th
After spending almost three weeks in England visiting family it was time to head home...
I love this photo
it's of my mom & brother during the flight while the sun was rising :)
January 9th
I was back home in California for a couple days before heading back to school. During that time it was pouring rain! Which is something that Southern California is not used to. Traffic was at a complete standstill because there were so many accidents! It was crazy!
January 11th
Today my bestieee Henry and I went out to lunch at Lemonade, which is one of our favorite lunch spots and we went on a hike near my house afterward. I love the tree in the second photo because it has a few swings attached to it and I would hang out here all the time growing up. It's always nice to come home from college and revisit some of your favorite places in your hometown. We had a really fun time catching up before we head back to our college's.
January 14th
Driving to the airport
See ya later California!
January 16th
As apart of my New Years Resolutions, I committed myself to waking up at 6 am every morning to do work and make breakfast. So far, I have stuck to that goal and I'm planning on writing a post about becoming a morning person in the future! Here's a picture of one of my favorite breakfasts to make; it's granola, yogurt, fresh fruit, agave, and chia seeds! It's healthy and will help give you energy to last throughout the day!
January 21st
My roommate Lauren, our friend Anna (not pictured), and I went downtown and did homework at this super cool coffee shop/hotel called The Society. It was so pretty and a great place to study! If you want to see a better pic of it, check out my Instagram @sk.howard! I'll definitely be back there next month.
January 24th
I wanted to wrap this post up by talking about this fantastic opportunity I had earlier this week. One of my bosses invited a handful of his employee's to tour the Moda Center in Portland and check out the production of how a live basketball game is executed! All of us are interested in working in this industry, so I was amazing to go on the court during warm-ups and help with controlling the replay's and watching them film the game. It was a crazy night and an experience that I will never forget. Here are a few photos that I snapped during it!
It's been a great month and I can't wait to see what February brings. Thank you for reading and I'll see ya next week with another post!