2018 Resolutions
Happy New Year everybody! I wish you all a prosperous and exciting 2018. I thought I would write a quick blog post with a list of personal, academic, and work goals that I set for the year. I always find it interesting to see what other people want to achieve in the New Year and sharing them with others is a great way to hold yourself accountable. Of course.. my number one resolution is actually to stick to my resolutions! Fingers crossed that happens!
-read a book a month
-run a half marathon
-save money for quality items, rather than purchasing in quantity
-learn a new skill
-get on the Deanβs list at my college
-join a new club and actually go to their meetings
-hit a new PR time in the 100 & 200mβs in track and field
-have a successful soccer season during my Junior year
A College Girl Goals
-Write one new blog post a week
-Set up a mailing list
-Double viewer count from 2017 (4,000 viewers currently)
Happy New Year and I'll talk to you all soon
Comment below your New Year's resolutions