Back-to-College School Supply HAUL!
Back to school season is just around the corner, for me, it's only four days away! This week I've been running around town gathering last minute supplies, and I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite school supplies for college!
Let's get started!
First and foremost, you'll need a planner for school. In college, you will have so many different assignments to finish and activities to attend that it's absolutely necessary to have a planner. For this school year, I got my planner from! It's hands down the coolest planner I've ever owned. Each month it features a piece of art designed by girls and it includes motivational methods throughout! Here are a couple pictures of it.
Next up, notebooks. My favorite notebooks (and all my school supplies in general) are from this Japanese store called Muji. They have a couple locations in the United States, and luckily, there's one not too far from my house. Here are the notebooks that I picked up today; they are the perfect size for me, good quality paper, and I dedicate each notebook to a different class.
Did I mention that you can customize each one?!
How cool is that!
I also have these two cute catus notebooks, and 2 yellow Moleskins that I use for journaling and doodling in. :)
the memo pad I use for my daily to-do list's and it's from Muji!
The last college school supply essential is pens. I will admit that I am a complete dork and love using colorful pens to take my notes. It keeps me focused and it motivates me to reread my notes and study them for quizzes and tests.
I swear this post isn't sponsored by Muji (but *ahem*Muji, if you're reading this, please email me at Thanks!) but I swear by the 0.5 pens from Muji. The colors are vivid, they last a long time, and the ink doesn't bleed onto the back side of the page. Here are the Muji pens that I bought, as well as the Staedtler triplus fineliners that I like to use for my study guides and drawing diagrams.
There you have it folks, my favorite back to school supplies for college! What are your essential supplies? Let me know in the comments below!